Programme/Education Pre Conference/es

This page is a translated version of the page Programme/Education Pre Conference and the translation is 45% complete.

Convocamos educadores y educadoras, diseñadores y diseñadoras de políticas educativas, tecnólogos relacionados al sector educativo, estudiantes, bibliotecarios o cualquiera interesado en la conjunción entre Wikipedia y los proyectos Wikimedia y la educación. Súmate a la Pre Conferencia de Educación en Wikimanía, la cual tendrá lugar los días miércoles 15 y jueves 16 de julio de 2015 en el Hotel Hilton Mexico City Reforma de la capital mexicana.

La preconferencia educativa es un evento que se realiza previo a Wikimanía, la más grande reunión anual del mundo wiki. Es un espacio para compartir experiencias, tomar talleres y aprender a usar herramientas y recursos para empezar a usar Wikipedia y los proyectos Wikimedia como una herramienta pedagógica en el entorno escolar.

Nos encantará conocer sobre tu experencia en el uso de Wikipedia y la educación. Bien si eres principiante o que ya uses La enciclopedia libre en tu salón, nos encantará que te sumes. Tendremos ahí oportunidades para todos y todas que quieran iniciar, crecer o mejorar la forma en que usan Wikipedia en el salón de clases.

La participación es gratuita, pero el registro para la conferencia está cerrado.

El registro para Wikimanía no es necesario para asistir a la preconferencia educativa de Wikimanía. La preconferencia es un evento separado de las conferencias principales.


Please see the agenda below.

Miércoles 15 de julio

Sala Doña Adelita, 4º piso.

09:00 – 09:30: General introduction: Overview, goals of the day, ground rules (Paola Ricaurte)

9:30 - 10:15: Sharing session: Wikipedia in the classroom (Edward Galvez)

10:15 - 10:45: Introduction to the Wikipedia Education Program (Floor Koudijs)

10:45 – 11:00: Receso

11:00 - 12:30: Editing Workshops (choose one)

  • Editing basics (Daniela Perez Michel)
  • Advanced editing (Pepe Flores)

12:30 – 13.00: Education tools:

  • Education Extension (Anna Koval)
  • WikiMetrics (Edward Galvez)

13:00 – 14:00: Almuerzo

14:00 – 15:30: Educational experiences in Latin America (interactive panel, moderated by Melina Masnatta)

15:30 – 15:45: Receso

15:45 – 16:45: Preparing to plan: getting your ideas on paper / on wiki (Edward Galvez)

16:45 - 17:00: Closing: review of day 1 and preparing for day 2

Jueves 16 de julio

Protocolo Etherpad:

09:00 – 09:15: Introduction to day 2

09:00 – 11:00: Ambassador training (Melina Masnatta and moderated by Paola Ricaurte, Daniela Michel, Iván Martínez)

11:00 – 11:15: Receso

11:15 – 12:00: Ambassador training (continued)

12:00 - 13:00: Expert talk: Alejandro Piscitelli (Argentina)

13:00 – 14:00: Almuerzo

14:00 – 15:45: Educator strategies to start working with Wikipedia (Workshop conducted by Adriana Álvarez, Francisco Barrón and Paola Ricaurte)

15:45 – 17:00: World café & Hackathon on Learning Patterns (Kacie Harold)


Upload your photos to Category:Wikimania 2015 Education Pre-Conference

Results of the Pre Conference

Why do you think technology is important in the classroom?

  • Generando las bases para el conocimiento del espacio en México, conocimiento con un alcance universal
  • Porque amplía el conocimiento
  • Por la interactividad
  • Potencia el pensamiento humano
  • Quick access to information and realtime events. Allows us to be connected
  • Permite oportunidad de practica un idioma extranjero en manera autentica
  • La distancia se reduce
  • Se puede obtener información reciente publicado en cualquier parte del mundo
  • Because technology is part of everyday life!
  • ICT must not be invisible!
  • Acerca el conocimiento a la gente
  • Combina la vida cotidiana con la educación
  • Mantiene actualizado el aspecto tecnológico
  • Cultura general
  • Brecha digital
  • Manejar informaciones
  • Competencias digitales
  • Convergencia digitales
  • Motivar los jóvenes
  • Adquirir y conocimiento
  • La tecnología favorece los proceso de aprendizaje
  • le capta la atención a la mayoría
  • Facilita el trabajo
  • Permite realizar los ajustes necesarios
  • Provoca cambios
  • Facilita (Mejora la comunicación)
  • La tecnología es importante en las aulas porque abre la posibilidad de investigar y conocer más acerca de un tema especifico y no limita al propio conocimiento del maestro.
  • Young people need media competence, teachers find it difficult, needed in future
  • Porque es imposible gestionar la información sin tecnología
  • I do not teach in a group, but I've given some talks and workshops in order to improve the use that teachers and students have of Wikipedia
  • Because technology changes the way we create and relate with Knowledge.
  • To connect people
  • To help students use it with an academic purpose
  • To transcend the classroom walls
  • Technology = materialization of economic progress/innovation; necessity to survive.
  • We need technology:
  • to have quick access to information
  • to use it for quick look of information
  • to help students to get the needed information
  • Porque puede entregar una nueva perspectiva del conocimiento y de como compartirlo
  • Cheap (at least relatively?)
  • Young people today are always "plugged in" to some device. They are immersed in technology. If educators do not engage with technology, it is more difficult to connect with and relate to young people today.
  • Technology is everywhere nowadays; its a non sense excluded from classroom
  • Kids will grow up surrounded by tech and they need to know how to use it like a tool, not just a game
  • High school students are engaged in their daily lives with tablets and smartphones and learn through technology
  • Learning interactive training can integrate knowledge and social contacts for worlds big knowledge

How do you currently use Wikipedia in the classroom?

  • First source of information
  • As a starting material for reading
  • Technology is inevitable
  • The first site we visit in the classroom
  • Too many to list
  • Hasta este momento no lo he utilizado porque desconozco de su uso y aplicaciones. ¡¡Vengo a aprender!!
  • Generating content
  • Upload photos and videos
  • Encourage students to check and correct articles
  • Subject by itself to talk about (wiki, encyclopedia, free knowledge, plagiarism, etc.)
  • Writing styles
  • Enseñar a editar
  • Revisando sus contenidos
  • Enseñando la idea de "objetividad"
  • It's used like a starting point to search info
  • When kids discover any mistake they are invited to fix it
  • Currently I train trainers and teachers using Wikipedia in classrooms. My environment is "room"
  • I currently use Wikipedia as a spring board for research papers for high school students.
  • My secondary school began a Chinese language program with no curriculum for the students. As the school librarian, I worked with the teacher to use Chinese Wikipedia as the curriculum and the instructional teaching tool.
  • Writing articles in lieu of term papers
  • Contributing images and multimedia
  • Learning online community collaborations
  • Learning copyright and intellectual property
  • Digital literacy - how to read and evaluate quality of an article
  • Writing reflections pieces
  • Assessing Wikipedia's current strengths and weaknesses
  • Making students use free knowledge and teach them how they too can become part of the movement, thus empowering them as citizens
  • I make student write articles in Wikipedia and edit articles
  • I make students make books, using wikipedia book creator
  • Students use it for their assignments to get information
  • They get extra credit and better marks
  • Investigation, look up information, construction of knowledge, collaborative work, generate interest, motivate

Questions, Hopes and Concerns

Questions / Preguntas

  • Is media information like videos and photos, neglected in the education program?
  • Why not easier integration with wikimetrics?
  • What's our target?
  • ¿ Cómo utilizan la tecnología como anclaje para desarrollar la imaginación e historias comergentes en los niños?
  • How does the education program really works?
  • How can we participate in the education program?
  • How to convince other teachers about the power of sharing knowledge?
  • Cuál es la expectativa mundial de Wikipedia, para el desarrollo de la educación para 2030
  • ¿Cómo mejorar la comunicación entre bibliotecarios y usuarios?
  • How can we create a larger community?
  • Where we want to go?

Concerns / Preocupaciones

  • Cómo evitar que bajen un artículos por razones ideológicas?
  • Cómo puedo unirme a Wikipedia si no tenemos buen internet?
  • México se está atrasando en la educación desde el nivel básico y va arrastrando secuelas hasta los niveles de licenciatura, por lo que no se tiene una buena propensión para Wikipedia Education Program
  • Trolls
  • Metrics and documentation
  • Wikipedia no es reconocida como encyclopedia valida para referencia en las instituciones de educación
  • Self evaluation must be open and honest and balanced
  • IT devices "!" connexion. Make the platform more user friendly :)
  • Bad/Poor internet connection
  • Plagio de información en tareas, investigaciones y tesis
  • Petty fights over editing
  • German way of saying "we can do it" is showing a certificate
  • Are WP-Certificates accepted all over the world?
  • ¿Cómo hacer para ser un apoyo en recuperar el conocimiento popular de la comunidades indígenas sin imponer la vision de quien desarrolla el instrumento?
  • Have a clear goal and a target to achieve
  • Editing Wikipedia is more time consuming than using other (commercial) ICT-tools in the classroom, how can we motivate educators to choose-Wikipedia in this competition?
  • None (yet) :P
  • How can we encourage collaboration properly without the hierarchies that rule traditional school?

Hopes / Esperanzas

  • Espero aprender o conocer herramientas básicas de wikipedia para utilizarlas
  • One hop is that every student will learn how to comfortably edit Wikipedia.
  • ¡Que crezca!
  • Getting a critical mass of educators with deep Wikipedia experience
  • Sharing and remix is more important than copyright
  • One day, Wikipedia will in each classroom
  • Alliances and networks
  • Schools/teachers understand the importance of free culture
  • It becomes more open to new way of communication (e.g. visual/video...)
  • Expand international understanding
  • I hope Wikipedia Education Program be adopted and adapted in every country
  • Become an active promoter of sharing knowledge from collaboration
  • More friendly user :)
  • I hope we reach 12,000 students and engage them in the coming two years in "TUNEZ" :)
  • Discussions in class room about wikipedia should be relaxed and balanced (Wikipedia is sometimes usable, sometimes not)
  • Get publicity to some great examples of the use of Wikipedia in Education, raise awareness of possibilities
  • Que México sea uno de los países con el mejor programa y se llague a toda la gente del país.
  • Que en los países menos desarrollados sea un motor de crecimiento
  • Encontrar la manera de que los alumnos lean y eviten hacer solo copy --> paste
  • Best decisions to get best result
  • How to effectively communicate good strategies to educators
  • How to measure success
  • How to start a program, make it blossom and last
  • How to customize an education program
  • How to effectively train new editors
  • Cómo diseñar un programa
  • Cómo coordinar un programa global
  • Cómo desarrollar competencias
  • Cómo aprender a ayudar mis alumnos

Excitement / Entusiasmo

  • La capacidad o posibilidad de democratizar el conocimiento
  • The opportunity to take a complex but vital piece of learning into a doable, scalable piece of teaching
  • Empowering teachinger and students by becoming authors, creators, and reliable "sources", diversity, inclusion
  • Para los estudiantes Wikipedia representa un verdadero reto que los hacer salir de sus rutinas aburridas
  • El trabajo de los alumnos repercute a nivel mundial, cada vez que suben un artículo están haciendo un cambio.
  • Coming up with ideas to make students work really collaboratively
  • Que puedo participar y contribuir a fortalezer la enciclopedia en base a mis experiencias para beneficio de otras personas que asuman tareas y retos semejantes.
  • publicando articulos y reforzando conocimineots publicados en articulos.
  • Wikipedia es libre y no discrimina a nadie, todos podemos participanr
  • Networking
  • Wikipedia ha implicado una construcción infinito de conocimiento, cada paso es más profundo y emociona mucho cuál será el siguiente nivel
  • Worldwide learning - the opportunity that students have to translate and read in more than one language
  • La posibilidad de abrir el mundo a los estudiantes
  • Descubrir nuevos maneras de vincular la tecnología con la educación en comunidad
  • Conocimiento compartido
  • Trabajo colectivo, romper el mito de la individualización que causa la tecnología
  • Alternativas de enseñanza
  • Hay muchas posibilidades abiertas y es emocionante conocerlas y saber que hay muchos otros llevando a cabo estos proyectos
  • La colaboración y socialización y el espiritu del proyecto
  • WEP recruit editors from a diverse pool and editors might communicate with each other
  • Compartir experiencias y unir esfuerzos porque ganamos todos
  • That more and more educators want to start using Wikipedia in the classroom. Teaching their students how to edit
  • Endless possibilities; it can be modified or adapted by different groups
  • Working with students and showing them how can they contribute and they are the next generation for students will use their work and seek knowledge.
  • Hacer mejores personas a través del conocimiento; porque hace un mejor mundo y humanos felices (creo yo)
  • La posibilidad de aprender para divulgar el conocimiento para cualquier público, ya que existe la necesidad de educarse a sí mismo y así compartirlo ; romper paradigmas.
  • El potencial de uso

Surprises / Sorpresas

  • Students are contributing wiki articles as "community service"
  • La capacidad de autregularse y funcionar con base en voluntario
  • Conocer los ...
  • Descubrir una extensión tan útil para realizar el seguimiento de cursos
  • Me gusta ver Wikipedistas de distintas partes del mundo congregados en un lugar
  • Wikipedia fomenta pensamiento critico, colaboración , creatividad
  • Convocatoria internacional (hacking)
  • Saber que puedo tener una cuenta y con ello editar y robustecer artículos, ademas de poder crear mis propios articulos con motivos de divulgación de la investigación científica y el desarrollo tecnológico en materia espacial para la exploracíal del espacio.
  • Gestionar todo un curso en Wikipedia. ¡No sabía que era posible!
  • El interés por generar comunidad y cambiar paradigmas educativos con Wikipedia
  • La gran actitud y apertura de los que estamos aquí porque muchos veces en eventso relacionado con educación, se ven más y se habla maás de los problemas y no de las oportunidades. Aquí ha sido totalmente al revés
  • Las herramientas con mucho potencial para enseñar y aprender
  • Visual editor exists, and several people ask for easy edit platform
  • Las posibilidades que ofrece la plataforma, y cómo ha crecido estructuralmente
  • El trabajo de docentes para romper los prejuicios que existen para utilizar Wikipedia como una herramienta necesaria en el proceso de educcacion.
  • Como ya se lleva a cabo en tantos países los trabajos en aula con Wikipedia y como entusiasman a la gente, a los profesores, y sus estudiantes.
  • Población que integra Wikipedia son muchos y se desconocen los esfuerzos
  • Me sorprendó ver qué grande es el programa educativo y que en argentina tengan ese sitio que traduce.
  • Seeing that some of the participants have problems, with this academic community and the rejection of others to participant in writing and collaborative with the wiki community. (???)
  • To see more teachers starting to work in the education program and using Wikiexpeditions
  • Me llamo la atención que hay muchos maestros trabajando con Wikipedia y que no lo sabemos
  • There is a "neutral spanish"
  • I was surprised by al the "hidden" achievements that we don't know about because it's not covered by metrics, or records...
  • It exists beyond article writing and translation (students working on videos)

World Cafe

Summary of best ideas from discussions.

Working with younger students:

  • Write in sandboxes and have review cycles before publishing in mainspace.
  • Organize a competition and award a prize
  • Work on Wiktionary - articles about words
  • Upload images
  • Fix typos and mistakes in WP articles
  • Add markup, ‘Wikify’ articles
  • Teaching about citations is an investment in the future, even for younger students.
  • Use contributing to free knowledge as motivation for students.
  • Focus on general introduction to Wikipedia, i.e. how to use it.
  • Work in groups

Teacher Training:

  • Teach wikification in VE
  • Include WP in the national curriculum
  • Theorize your teaching curriculum
  • Focus on making bottom-up changes

Getting Started:

  • Begin with simple topics and find less developed articles to improve.
  • Think about how you will evaluate student work from the very beginning.


  • Usar artículos destacados / GA/FA
  • Review the content translation tool  (Sage and Walaa)

Education Extension/Metrics:

  • Use and contribute metrics on the dashboard on Outreach Education portal
  • The education extension is a great tool for managing courses
  • The countries page on Outreach portal is useful

Ambassador training

Summary of best questions/ideas from discussions.


1) How to envolve the institutions?

2) How to implement Wikipedia as an interdisciplinary tool?

3) How to familiarize the community with the platform ?

4) How to form networks committed to creating spaces for training ?

5) How to legetimize Wikipedia between teachers and students?

6) How teach about computer literacity at educators?

7)  To convince the teacher: first make a profile of the students : what do they do in WP?  Why is useful to consider what can be done? So, what others questions can help us to create an effective speech to involve teachers?

8) How can we do that Wikipidians help us as educators? Where we know at the Wikipidians of our country?

9) Each chapter can have a space recognition ambassador program?

10) Where do we find official tools on what it is and how to be an ambassador?

11) How to develop assessments from WP tools offer?


1)  ¿Cómo lograr que las instituciones apoyen?

2)  ¿Cómo implementar Wikipedia como una herramienta transdisciplinaria?

3)  ¿Cómo familiarizar a la comunidad con la plataforma?

4)  ¿Cómo conformar redes comprometidas con la creación de espacios de capacitación?

5)  ¿Cómo legitimar Wikipedia entre profesores y alumnos?

6)  ¿Cómo alfabetizar informáticamente a la sociedad?

7)   Para convencer al docente hay que hacer primero un perfil de los estudiantes: ¿Qué hacen en WP? ¿Por qué es útil tener en cuenta lo que se puede hacer?

8)  ¿Cómo podemos hacer que los Wikipedistas nos ayuden? ¿Dónde los conocemos?

9)  ¿Cada capitulo puede tener un espacio de reconocimiento del programa de embajadores?

10)  ¿Dónde encontramos herramientas sobre qué es y cómo ser un embajador?

11)  ¿Cómo desarrollar evaluaciones a partir de las herramientas que ofrece WP?

Possible solutions

1) Use Wp as an interdisciplinary tool

2) Zoom experiences that promote familiarity with the platform (online courses , videos, wikiexpedition -knowledge in a variety of languages-​​)

3) Establishment of networks Training spaces

4) Generate clear commitments

5 ) Share experiences

6)  Promote the “legitimation” of Wikipedia in Education

7) Link the Wp projects with computer literacy

8) Studies show students want video. Could we use EDU programs to make videos (2´to explain topics- or spoken) for e.g: A class homework could be to have students work to make short-simple audio/video overview of existing article. Or create a demonstration video.

10) Invite students to create/edit tutorials to make them more simple and easier to read.

11) Ambassador pages are not easy to use. Can we improve design and add oficial badges.

12) Where to find ambassadors?  Look for subject experts. Ask chapters. Volunteer burnout can be a problem. In WM DE they have a private network (Wikiteam)

13) Important to recognize ambassadors with badgesor recognize/thank them (very important!)

14) Need for material resources stickers/buttons for students. Printed material make look more oficial.

15) Encourage students and ambassadors to include WP work on Cv or digital portfolio.

Posibles soluciones

1)  Utilizar Wp como una herramienta transdisciplinaria

2)   Acercar experiencias que promuevan la familiarización con la plataforma (cursos virtuales, videos, Wikiexpedition –conocimiento en varios idiomas-)

3)  Conformación de redes, con espacios de capacitación

4)  Generar compromisos claros

5)  Compartir experiencias

6)  Promover la legitimación de Wikipedia

7)  Acompañar la alfabetización informática

8)  Los estudios demuestran los estudiantes prefieren el soporte video. Podríamos utilizar hacer videos que expliquen sobre el uso educativo de Wikipedia. Una tarea podría ser la de que los estudiantes trabajan para hacer resumen de audio / video fácil corto del artículo existente o un vídeo de demostración

9)  Pedir a los estudiantes editar introducciones para que sean más simples y más fáciles de leer

10)  Las páginas de los embajadores no son fáciles de usar ¿Podemos mejorar el diseño y añadir insignias oficiales?

11)  ¿Dónde encontrar embajadores? Busque expertos en el tema, pregunte a los capítulos

12)  Tener en cuenta que el agotamiento del voluntario puede ser un problema.

13)   En WMDE tienen un Wikiteam, crearon una red privada.

14)   Reconocer a los embajadores con insignias y agradecerles.

15)   Necesidad de recursos materiales como pines, stickers para estudiantes. Los materiales impresos hacen más oficial el acercamiento a instituciones

16)  Animar a los estudiantes y embajadores para incluir el trabajo WP en el Cv o portafolio digital.

Resources from the Pre Conference

Survey results show satisfaction about the Education Pre-Conference

Attendees were mostly Wikipedians, educators and students
More than half of participants came from Mexico

After holding a two-day Education Pre-Conference at Wikimania 2015, a survey was sent to the participants to collect information about who have attended and what is their feedback. The survey results show that more than half of the respondents are very satisfied about the pre-conference; They find it useful and they are willing to learn more about the Wikipedia Education Program and to use Wikipedia in their courses starting soon.


Around 60 people attended the Wikimania Education Pre-Conference and 23 of them took the survey. The results represent people who took the survey only, and does not necessarily represent those who attended the pre-conference. More than half of the respondents were from Mexico while the rest were from different other countries which reveals a big interest in Wikipedia Education Program in Mexico. Also, comments in Spanish were mostly being satisfied about the pre-conference and its content. Being held right before Wikimania, it was not surprising to see that the majority of attendees were Wikipedians, when educators came in the second place and students in the third made sense, since the event is about Education. Not that only, but more than half of attendees were previously connected with Wikipedia education-related activities or participated in the program somehow.


Half to two thirds of those who took the survey found the pre-conference very useful and they were willing to get more information about the Wikipedia Education Program when they are back. They were also planning to include Wikipedia in their courses starting soon, while around 13-17% (3-4 people) were totally dissatisfied about the pre-conference and the rest were moderate or undecided about it. There were no clear details about why dissatisfied people did not like the event, but their responses show that it was not the best useful learning experience.

Comments on this event and suggestions for future ones

People enjoyed the group activities and discussions held at the pre-conference. It was helpful to exchange ideas and to see how others think and work. The Ambassador training and other training sessions on the Education Extension and Wikimetrics were the most useful sessions too according to the survey. In the future, attendees who took the survey think it will be better if participants are divided according to their level of experience in WEP and Wikipedia editing. They also want more time to be given for brainstorming and planning for the future projects.

Some participants found the event an eye-opening experience, others believe that it was a perfect space for joint work while others want Wikimania organizers to hold other similar pre-conferences on GLAM, Legal, and other topics.